
‘Greenhouse’ Curated by Ben Raz and Jean Watt, Set, London, 2024

‘Log 2: NovoStruct Hard Hat Area’ Plicnik Space Initiative, London, 2024

‘Half Truths’,  Curated by Vanessa Murrell, London, 2023

Troubled Water (Rea!), Lampo, Milan, 2023

OTO (RCA x LUX Moving Image), Fold, London, 2023

Artifice, (Ripped), The Bomb Factory , London, 2023
Babele (Curated by Caspar Giorgio Williams), Spazio Musa, Turin, 2023

Rea! Art Fair, Fabricca Del Vapore, Milan, 2022

Not Long But Very Good, Matt’s Gallery, London, 2021

Slade Degree Show,  London,  2021

A Way to Break Through, online show,  2020

Melon Cauli, Carolines Garden’s Chapel, London, 2019

Themselves Warehouse Festival, Unit 8, Copeland park, London, 2019

Art Show, Safehouse 1, London, 2019

Boys Don’t Cry, Karma Sanctum, London, 2019

Boys Don’t Cry, Candid Arts Trust, London, 2018

Themselves: Group Show, Five Bells , London, 2018

Publications, etc.

Worthwhile Unions #03 with Anna Clegg, Resonance Extra, 2023

Rea! Exhibiton Prize, Milan, 2022

Era Journal - Issue 15: ‘Up and Away’, 2022

Round Table Discusion: Emerging Technologies and Art, UCL Art Futures and Serpentine Gallery,  2021

Era Journal - Issue 14: ‘Get Real’, 2021

Thing 018: From the Drained Pool, Form IV, 2021

Collage, Or: A Fair Day’s Fiddle, Themselves Publication, 2020


Slade School of Fine Art, UCL, BFA, 2021

Kingston University, Foundation, 2017


My practice involves constructing situations or scenes, often composed of borrowed elements such as props, lines, symbols or characters, isolated and stripped of their contexts. (e.g. a discarded lantern, a lens flare, a soundtrack) I experiment with these elements by dismantling, manipulating or rearranging them to see how meaning emerges and shifts.  I usually work in film, installation, performance and writing. I am interested in belief systems—religious, esoteric, secular, and philosophical—and particularly in their accompanying allegorical tales, which tend to drive my research. Recently, I have been thinking about the mechanics of storytelling, including narrative structure, character archetypes, cinematic tools and techniques employed by filmmakers, the cultural osmosis that occurs as fairytales evolve and spread, and the evolution of fiction from its prehistoric beginnings to its various forms and uses today.